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SNP and haplotype mapping for genetic analysis in the rat

Publié le 6 octobre 2017
SNP and haplotype mapping for genetic analysis in the rat
Saar K, Beck A, Bihoreau MT, Birney E, Brocklebank D, Chen Y, Cuppen E, Demonchy S, Dopazo J, Flicek P, Foglio M, Fujiyama A, Gut IG, Gauguier D, Guigo R, Guryev V, Heinig M, Hummel O, Jahn N, Klages S, Kren V, Kube M, Kuhl H, Kuramoto T, Kuroki Y, Lechner D, Lee YA, Lopez-Bigas N, Lathrop GM, Mashimo T, Medina I, Mott R, Patone G, Perrier-Cornet JA, Platzer M, Pravenec M, Reinhardt R, Sakaki Y, Schilhabel M, Schulz H, Serikawa T, Shikhagaie M, Tatsumoto S, Taudien S, Toyoda A, Voigt B, Zelenika D, Zimdahl H, Hubner N and Consortium S
Nature Genetics 40 (5), 560-566, 2008
Année2 008
Date de création06/01/2017
Facteur Impact 

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